Donor Stories
Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance

Alta G. Sanders

American Association of University Women

American Legion Post 2

Anna Strohecker

Barbara Crews

Barbara Scifers

Bill and Peggy Simson Curry Memorial

Bill Daniels

Billy and Cynthia Carr

Eileen grew up in Casper, Wyoming, and was always proud of her western roots. Her studies at Casper College provided the foundation for continued academic work at the University of Wyoming, where she was the first female student at the university to earn a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in physics. She went on to work for Phillips Petroleum, IBM, the National Bureau of Standards, and International Paper. This scholarship was established by her husband Billy and continued by her daughter Cynthia to honor her memory as well as to encourage and support other women who are passionate about the sciences. Scholarship: Eileen Pentecost Memorial Scholarship
Billy D. Lewis

Bob and Susi Miller

Brent Erickson

Brent Erikson, son of Artie and Swede Erickson, grew up in Casper and graduated from Casper College in 1972. He established this scholarship to honor his parent’s memory and to support students in the Casper area who are seeking a career in health care and nursing. Both of his parents benefited from professional and compassionate nursing care in their later years, and he realized nurses are the hands-on, bedrock foundation and a critical part of the healthcare field. “My parents loved Casper and students who graduate in nursing from Casper College tend to stay in Casper and continue to contribute to the local quality of life after they graduate,” said Erickson. “This Scholarship will benefit both students and the community at large,” Erickson added. Erickson states that this scholarship is a way to help ensure motivated students can pursue a nursing career and first-rate nursing education by helping cover tuition and books. Scholarship: Artie and Swede Erickson Nursing Scholarship
Carl and Georgina Grosz

Carlton and Winnie Beltz

Casper Chase 5K

Casper College Alumni Association

Casper College Foundation

Casper Mountain Lions Fund

Casper Orthopedics

Casper Rotaract Club of Casper Young Professionals Network

Casper Rotary Foundation

Central Wyoming Kennel Club

Charlene Davis

Charles G. Irwin

Senator Charles Irwin was a visionary that believed in helping his community. The driving force behind Irwin Towers, a low-income housing facility in Douglas, he believed in helping those that needed a hand up. That still holds true today. He started a scholarship that awards significant money to Converse County student who have high academic achievement to attend Casper College. Scholarship: Charles G. and Ruth L. Irwin Scholarship
Charlma Kurtz Brown Memorial Donations

What started out as memorial donations to the memory of a notable woman- Charlma Kurtz Brown, snowballed into a fully endowed scholarship that will be available to aspiring paralegal students for years to come. Charlma was an academic and graduated from UNC in Greely in 1939. She went on to become a legal secretary extraordinaire who had a reputation for thorough work. Her reputation encouraged donations to pour in after her passing. Those who knew her were happy to leave education as a lasting legacy in her name. Scholarship: Charlma Kurtz Brown Paralegal Scholarship
Charlotte Babcock

When Charlotte’s husband Robert died in 2003 she wanted any monetary gifts given in his memory to be lasting and so she established the Babcock Memorial Scholarship to benefit non-traditional students. Because she was so active in the Alumni Association at Casper College it was determined to be an Alumni Association Scholarship. Casper College not only benefitted Charlotte who earned her degree at Casper College in 1949 but also her daughter Linda who had decided to go to college at a non-traditional age. She graduated Casper College and went on to further her education to achieve her Master’s Degree in Creative Non-Fiction. Scholarship: Babcock Memorial Scholarship
Children of Henrietta Neighbors

In 1966 Henrietta moved to Casper, Wyoming in 1966 with her three children Judith, Duncan, and Margaret. She was already a community leader in her previous town of Bakersfield, CA and helped play a senior role in the leadership of the United Way. She married her second husband Frank Neighbor, a long time Casper resident and geologist, in 1977. She began to use her leadership skills to help the Casper community. During her 35 years in Casper, she served as Red Cross Field Director, League of Women Voters Representative, Housing Director for the City of Casper, and Senior Citizen Representative to the Wyoming Legislature. She started the Sidewalkers and helped start the Casper Senior Center and the Hospice Center for Central Wyoming. She worked tirelessly to raise funds for United Way. Henrietta was also known to house Casper College students in need, calling her house ‘la pousada,’ the Spanish word for welcome. She was an active member of Geo Wives and she skied and hiked. Her hiking club involvement ended after she broke her hip just before her 80th birthday. Henrietta had a deep love of Casper, it’s people and surroundings. Scholarship: Henrietta Neighbors Pousada Scholarship.
Chris LeDoux Memorial Scholarship

Chris Ledoux wrote, “What I want to be known for, on top of everything else, is that I was a good husband and family man.” Chris LeDoux will also be known in perpetuity for his scholarship that was established in his memory. An initial donation encouraged others to make donations which in turn became an endowed scholarship that will be given to students at Casper College for years to come. Chris Ledoux was a member of the Casper College rodeo team and a true Wyoming cowboy. Inducted into the Cheyenne Frontier Days Hall of Fame, he was a dynamic performer on the stage and in the rodeo arena, but those who knew him remember him most as a steadfast man. Education for future cowboys is a wonderful tribute to an extraordinary man. Scholarship: Chris LeDoux Rodeo Scholarship
CHS Foundation

The CHS Foundation, funded by charitable gifts from CHS Inc., was established in 1946. The CHS Foundation is focused on developing a new generation of agriculture leaders. We are achieving our goals through these strategic initiatives: advancing innovation in cooperative education, cultivating opportunity through university partnerships, growing high-impact Ag youth leadership programs and accelerating potential for careers in Ag. Together with our signature partners, we develop Ag leaders for life. For more information on CHS programs, visit Scholarship: CHS Foundation Scholarship
Colton Sasser

Colton Sasser is the co-owner of Caspar Building Systems and co-founder of Hunting with Heroes. He joined the Army in 2011 until he was medically retired in 2013 at the rank of Specialist, with numerous awards and medals. During his time in Afghanistan, a 200-pound improvised explosive device detonated under his truck, gravely injuring him and his team members. Following retirement from the military, he and another veteran formed Hunting with Heroes, a nonprofit which takes disabled veterans hunting throughout the great state of Wyoming. Since its inception, HWH has provided over 1,200 hunts to veterans from all 50 states. Colton's brother Joa Sasser was also in the Military. He was a high school graduate of Kelly Walsh High School and immediately joined the Marine Corps where he served from 1992 to 1996. After returning to Casper, he started a family and knew he had to do something to provide for his growing family. He founded Grizzly Excavating & Construction in 2005 and quickly his business began to grow. The Joa Sasser Scholarship was established in his memory by his children and family after his death on October 10, 2020. The Scholarship will serve to give recipients a head start for college and preserve Joa’s belief in providing for and helping those who need a hand up. Scholarship: Joa L. Sasser Scholarship
Craig Silva

The Silva Family has been affiliated with Casper College for well over 30 years. The matriarch of the Silva Family attended Casper College. Her son Craig also attended Casper College and taught as an adjunct instructor. The matriarch’s daughter-in-law not only graduated from Casper College but also works for the college. Through the past 30 years, the Silva family has participated as patrons and as actors at the Gertrude Krampert Theatre. The theatre department has provided a wealth of enjoyment to the Silva family. That is why the Silva family wanted to give back to the department that has meant so much to them. Scholarship: Silva Family Scholarship
Dale Hamlet

Dale Hamlet was a WWII vet, when he returned home from the war, he started working for Mobil Oil. He was transferred to Wyoming in 1948 and for 41 years he worked his way up the company. His work had him traveling around the world. After retiring as a drilling superintendent in 1980, he moved back to Casper. He loved hunting for fossils and artifacts, as well as fishing and the outdoors. The value he placed on education was evident when he included the Casper College Foundation into his estate. Today his scholarship is going strong and helping future students to obtain their goals. Scholarship: Dale and Marguerite Hamlet Scholarship
Dale Stiles Memorial

Dale Stiles was a giver. He gave back to everyone in the community and especially gave to the students he coached during his time at Casper College. He was a rodeo coach for 39 years, most of those at Casper College. He helped shape some of rodeo’s greats, Chris LeDoux, Joe Alexander, Dave Brock and Jim Davis. His love for people didn’t stop at rodeo however, he was a member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church where he served on the vestry, a member of the Boy Scout Council, a 4-H leader in Goshen, Laramie and Natrona counties, he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and Executive Board of National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association. He helped judge at 4-H fairs and for the Wyoming Hereford Association, and conducted horsemanship and beef cattle clinics. He spent his life helping others and it seems fitting that there is a scholarship in his honor to continue helping others. Scholarship: Dale Stiles Memorial Rodeo Scholarship
Dana Van Burgh

The Dana Van Burgh Family scholarship honors Dana Van Burgh Sr. He was born in 1885 in Filley, Nebraska and came to Casper in 1917 to work with Continental Oil, operating the bulk station with his brother Shelby. His son Dana Van Burgh Jr. started the scholarship to honor his father. Dana Van Burgh Jr. grew up to be an educator, teaching science at Dean Morgan Junior High School for 38 years and later teaching in the Geology Department at Casper College. He co-authored the Casper Mountain Field Guide and now volunteers at the Western History Center. He also started the Nora Van Burgh Library Fund in honor of his wife, the late Nora Van Burgh. Nora worked for the Casper College library as a student while finishing her associate’s degree at Casper College. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Montana and later her MLS at the University of Arizona. When the Van Burghs returned to Casper in 1956, she began her career as a librarian working at the Casper College Goodstein Memorial Library for 35 years until her passing in 1991. The library fund was created in her honor. Scholarship: Dana Van Burgh Family Scholarship
Des Bennion’s Story of Giving - The Des Bennion Family Scholarship

I have lived in Casper all of my life. I went to school at Brigham Young University and returned for a single semester at Casper College. Of all my college semesters, being at Casper College was one of my best college experiences. I had outstanding teachers. BYU had big classes where it was easy to go unnoticed, compared to Casper College where I had intuitive instructors like Mike Sarvey and Jane Katherman who recognized my potential and would not let me slide. Thanks to Casper College I was a better student when I returned to finish my studies at BYU. When I graduated from BYU and came back home to Casper, Casper College became a part of my family. My wife, Carrie (Cottrell) Bennion (AS, ’81) and I have continued to support the arts, the T-birds, and educational programs of Casper College throughout the years. I see Casper College as a pillar of our community. It is a draw for residents both educationally, socially and economically. It is a good place for students to receive an education before moving on in life or on to future educational goals. My brother Scott Bennion (AS, ’68), who received his associate degree from Casper College went on to become a doctor in the Army and now has his dermatology business here in Casper. He has also been a member of the Casper College District Board of Trustees since 2000. I took over my father’s business, The Bon Agency Insurance, which is now the oldest family-owned agency in the state of Wyoming. All of this got its beginnings at Casper College. When my father passed away, we decided as a family to start the Des Bennion Family Scholarship in his honor. He valued education and always felt that education was a way to get ahead in life and give back to society and family. Scholarships help ease the financial burden on students. It’s a joy receiving letters from students in hopes that in some small way the Des Bennion Scholarship can make a difference. I remember being a student and struggling to pay for my next semester of school. I received a scholarship which made it possible for me to continue on with my education. Casper College is still “The Great Institution on the Hill.” I love seeing young people attend Casper College as they start out on their college education path. Casper College has always had a reputation of having a highly qualified and talented teaching staff. As time goes on and things change, I still hear people brag about the instructors both past and present at the college. I consider Casper College a family and part of our family. I hope that our Des Bennion Family Scholarship will help instill the message in student’s minds that our father instilled in each of us, “to do your best and be the best with a hope of giving something back.” That is a legacy we received from him and the legacy he would want to pass on.
Dolores Lee Medcalf-Skelton Bicek

Dolores “Dee” Bicek was an extraordinary woman. She graduated from Northwestern University with a BS in Nursing and also obtained her MA in Adult Education from the University of South Florida. She was a registered nurse for 34 years and served as the Director of Education and Vice President of Nursing at Manatee Memorial Hospital. She enjoyed traveling the world with family and friends and was active in her retirement. In 2006, she was voted the Wyoming Female Athlete of the Year by the Wyoming Senior Olympics. She was passionate about history and was an active member of the American Association of University Women. She believed in the underdog and second chances, her scholarship is a testament to her belief that perseverance is an admirable trait. Her memory will live on through the students who are also working hard to achieve their goals.
Don Galles

The Ann Galles Scholarship was created in memory of Ann Galles. She met and later married Donald Galles in 1949 and moved to Casper. They were married for 55 years and raised a large family. Ann was the mother of six children, grandmother to 13 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. The endowed scholarship created in her honor allows Wyoming students to attend college for years to come. Scholarship: Ann Galles Scholarship
Ellyn Cavanagh

Dr. Cavanagh was the 2002 Distinguished Alumna of Casper College. Her career has centered around neonatal nursing and care of children, particularly those in critical condition. She was a clinical nurse in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of the University of California at LA Medical Center. She also collaborated on the development of the Infant Medical Dispatch Center and expanded the nursing program. She volunteered her services at Hospital Universitario del Valle in Cali, Columbia, S.A. as a consultant-neonatal intensive care nurse. She was responsible for the clinical education and support of the nursing staff. Cavanagh was Assistant Professor of Nursing in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences at Georgetown University and as a pediatric nurse practitioner in the Division of Child Neurology, she focused on children with complex neurological and behavioral disorders. She has worked as a critical care nurse and educator at many hospitals. She has written and received many grants for her concentration on critically ill children. She currently practices at the Everett Clinic in Anacortes, Washington. Scholarship: Dr. Ellyn E. Cavanagh Nursing Scholarship
David and Fred Frech

The Dick Frech Scholarship was established by David and Fred Frech in honor of their father, Richard “Dick” Frech who was known for his love of learning and sharing it with others. He co-founded Big Brothers/Big Sisters in Casper and volunteered with United Way, Mended Hearts Literacy Volunteers and the Salvation Army. His sons learned to love fishing and hunting with their father. Fred Frech, who sustained a spinal cord injury on his high school graduation day lives in Denver and recently retired from 30 plus years of working in a rehabilitation hospital. David Frech lives in Casper as owner and operator of a used furniture store. Their continued support has given this scholarship the opportunity for students to obtain a college education. Scholarship: Dick Frech Scholarship
Friends of Greg Lance

The Greg Lance Environmental Science Scholarship honors Greg Lance. Greg received an Associate of Science degree from Casper College in 1977 and another in Applied Science in fire technology in 1990. Greg was a certified ski instructor, mastered the art of sailing and loved hiking. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1989 and retired from the Casper Fire Department due to the progressive effects of his MS in 1999. He passed away in May of 2015 and his friends established this scholarship in his memory. Scholarship: Greg Lance Environmental Science Scholarship
Jon E. Brady Award in Political Study

The Brady Award was established in honor of longtime political science faculty member Jon Brady, whose commitment to academic excellence, professional integrity, and personal interest in political issues resonated with countless students and his colleagues over a 30 plus year career in teaching. In addition, Jon led the Casper Committee on Foreign Relations as its talented director for most of its first four decades of existence. He also advocated for greater domestic and international political awareness here in Casper and around the state. The award established in Jon's honor is open to students majoring in Political Science, International Studies, and History. The Award annually recognizes one Casper College student possessing high academic standing, a commitment to excellence, and a personal interest in political and historical issues. Scholarship: Jon E. Brady Award
Jim and Audrey Bailey

Jim and Audrey Bailey came to Wyoming with their families in the early 1900s as children and were married just before WWII. They spent most of their lives near Casper, raising four children. They were successful ranchers and owners of the Bailey School Supply Company, one of the foremost suppliers of educational material to rural educators in Wyoming for over 50 years. Committed to quality education for Wyoming’s children, the Jim and Audrey Bailey Foundation supports a number of scholarship programs for students in the region. Scholarship: Jim and Audrey Bailey Foundation Scholarship
Karel Mathisen

When Karel Mathisen’s late husband Ron began his 32-year career with Casper College, he was a single father raising three children on his own. The college provided him with the financial stability he desperately needed to provide for his children. This scholarship is a tribute to him and is to be awarded to men just like him, single fathers trying to make a better life for themselves and their children. Scholarship: Ron Mathisen Memorial Scholarship
Kenner Harris Scholarship

Kenner Harris established this scholarship in memory of his father, Kenner Harris. His father was born in Oklahoma and due to hardships, he was forced to drop out of school and work to help support his family. A self-taught man, he was incredibly smart and fair. He always felt a little less worth because of his lack of education despite his success without one. Kenner Sr. taught himself to read and write and put a high value on education. He ensured his son, Kenner Jr. attended college. It was because of this Kenner Jr. believes he owes everything to his father. Kenner Jr. valued his time at Casper College as a great adventure and a great education. He wanted to give back and hopes that other students can experience the same discoveries he made while attending school in the great state of Wyoming. Scholarship: Kenner Harris Scholarship
Kiwanis Club of Casper

The Casper Kiwanis Club was chartered on May 1, 1921. Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Their mission is, “Building communities, one child at a time.” The Noland and Winter Memorial Scholarship gives preference to current or previous members of Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K or Kiwanis Club. Scholarship: Noland and Winter Memorial Scholarship
Kraen Family

Thanks to their mother’s unwavering support for education, the Kraen sisters decided to build a scholarship to honor her. The Kraen sisters have a multi-generational connection to Casper College and they wanted to give back to the college because they too received scholarships when they attended Casper College. They started small and didn’t let the fact that they are not a wealthy family stop them from establishing a scholarship fund. Those little steps led to a fully endowed scholarship. Students with the greatest needs can continue receiving the scholarship if they are working hard toward their educational goals. They are pleased that through their contributions the scholarship will outlast them and continue to help those in need achieve their educational goals long into the future. Scholarship: Kraen Family Scholarship
Lee and Felicia Castellow

The Castellows wanted to give Wyoming residents the opportunity to attend Casper College and pursue a career that will provide a good living for the graduates. They also wanted to give back the Casper community that has been so good to them. Scholarships: Lee and Felicia Castellow Diesel Mechanics Scholarship, Lee and Felicia Auto Mechanics Scholarship, Lee and Felicia Castellow Welding Scholarship, Lee and Felicia Castellow Trades Scholarship and the Lee and Felicia Castellow Adult Learning Center Graduate Scholarship.
Linda Galbreath

Education was important to B.E. Galbreath and because of that his daughter Linda began the B.E. Galbreath Memorial Scholarship. Bernard was an accountant during his career in Natrona County. His good works carry on through the students he helps every year through scholarship assistance. Scholarship: B.E. Galbreath Memorial Scholarship
Linda Parker

Tom Parker was a dedicated teacher for 37 years, education was important to Tom. His dream job came when he was able to add rodeo to his teaching. Working with his students in and out of the arena was his passion. He spent years serving on the WHSRA board which gave him even more opportunity to guide young people. He firmly believed that college was not for everyone, but that everyone should be afforded the opportunity to try. He was never concerned with who was the smartest or the best in the arena, but the effort was what mattered. This scholarship will give opportunities to students to try their best. Scholarship: Tom Parker Memorial Rodeo Scholarship
Mary Lou Lowers

Mary Lou Lowers believed in Casper College and she believed in it enough to leave 10% of her estate to fund an endowed scholarship to help students in the health science program obtain their goals and give back to the community. Her gift helps students and the communities where the students establish their careers of helping others. Scholarship: Clayton and Mary Lou Lowers Health Science Scholarship
Michael and Joan Burger

A graduate of NCHS in 1956, Micheal joined the US army in 1957. He was accepted for Officer Candidate School and trained other Army recruits. In 1960, he returned to Casper and began his education at Casper College. After finishing his AA degree in Engineering at Casper College, he attained his BS degree in Mechanical Engineering followed by an MS degree in Mechanical engineering at the University of Wyoming. Shortly after his MS, he began working at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and retired from there in 1992. That didn’t stop him from working though, He worked as a consultant at Sandia National Laboratory until 2010. He now works part-time at the Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LSTC). His entire career was spent in the application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) in structural mechanics using computers that go back to the use of IBM punch cards, floppy disks, and pre-internet PCs. LSTC is the home of the LS-DYNA, which is a multi-physics computer program used by all car manufacturers throughout the world to simulate car crashes to satisfy government car safety. Michael and his wife Joan established the scholarships because the Engineering curriculum is so rigorous it is important to give incentives to prospective students in these fields. Furthermore, the burden of federal student loans after graduation is high. We believe private scholarships are a better way to provide students financial support to succeed after graduation. Scholarship: Michael and Joan Burger Trades Scholarship, Micheal and Joan Burger Engineering Scholarship
Minerva B. Landers

Minerva B. Landers was born in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada in 1916. She and her four siblings each became school teachers because their parents felt it was a profession of the ‘highest calling’. During the Depression, each child left home in their early teens. Minerva worked as a nanny and a housekeeper to send money to her parents. Each child helped a younger sibling though college. Minerva graduated from Minot State College in 1938 with majors in English and science and a minor in math. She earned her M.A. from the University of Wyoming in 1964. She taught first grade, high school science and math for close to 50 years. She also served as the Casper College Men’s Basketball team coach. She married Harvey J. Landers in Riverton in 1942. They raised four children, Dr. Harvey J. Landers, Dr. James W. Landers, Patricia L. Johnson, and Barbara A. Landers. Scholarship: Minerva B. Landers Scholarship
Myron W. Martin

Myron W. Martin was born July 31, 1920, in a log cabin in Converse County, Wyoming. He grew up
helping his father on the ranch, learning to ride horses, drive a team of horses, build fences, irrigate, and hunt. In May 1942, he joined the Army Air Corps to serve his country during World War II. In 1950, Myron married Evelyn Strowd. They had two daughters, Mary Dell Martin, who attended the Casper College nursing program from 1969 – 1971, and Marilyn Kay (Martin) Norman, who graduated with honors from Casper College in Business Administration (1971-1973). In 1953, he helped to bring electricity and running water to the Martin Ranch, which he owned and operated. Upon Myron’s death on November 10. 1996, his wife Evelyn established the Myron W. Martin Memorial Scholarship.
Nichols Family Scholarship

The children of Ted and Sharon Nichols established the Ted. M and Sharon D. Nichols Scholarship in memory of their parents. Sharon Dickensheets Nichols was an alumna of Casper College and served on the Casper College Board of Trustees, the Casper College Foundation Board and the Casper College Alumni Association Board. At the time of her passing, she was president of the Casper College Board of Trustees. The Sharon D. Nichols Auditorium is named in her memory. She was an active member of the Casper community, serving on many committees and non-profit boards. Sharon was the managing director of the Wyoming Trucking Association and editor of the Wyoming Trucker Magazine. She later served as the executive director of the Western Highway Institute. Ted Nichols was an prominent Wyoming educator and coach. Ted was vice-principal at East Junior High and Kelly Walsh High School and Principal at Roosevelt School before returning to the classroom at CY Junior High. His career in education spanned 37 years.
Pam Steinle

Pam established this scholarship in honor of her husband Mark who was employed in construction for over 35 years. This is an important way to honor the memory of Mark who enjoyed teaching in construction and business for 22 years. He was a great teacher and loved his students. Scholarship: Mark Steinle Scholarship in Construction, Welding, Drafting and Engineering
Paul Hallock

The Paul Hallock Student Leadership Award was established in June 2011. Hallock was the student body president from 1964-65 and went on to Phillips University in Oklahoma. He was employed at Casper College from 1978 to 2011. He served as a counselor, Director of Admissions, Director of Planning/Development, and finally as the Executive Director of the Casper College Foundation before retiring in 2011. The award in his honor recognizes one student annually for leadership, service, commitment, dedication, and achievement. Scholarship: Paul Hallock Student Leadership Award
Dr. Philip Gordy

Dr. Philip D. Gordy was a renowned Casper neurosurgeon who began his medical career in France and Germany while serving in WWII. After the war, he became a neurosurgical consultant for all of northern France while Europe rebuilt. Dr. Gordy moved to Casper, WY in 1973 and worked in neurosurgery until his retirement in 1986. He participated in the Literacy Volunteer program at Casper College and was a donor to many of Casper’s charities and cultural institutions. His interests included history (particularly Roman history and the Holocaust), philosophy, lathe work, and languages. Dr. Gordy studied Spanish, French, German, Polish, and Latin. Scholarship: Dr. Philip Gordy World Languages Scholarship
Reeb Family

James J. Reeb was raised in Casper and attended Casper College. After becoming an ordained minister, he advocated for human rights and was killed in a civil rights incident on March 11, 1965 in Selma, Alabama. Reeb’s death provoked mourning throughout the country, and tens of thousands held vigils in his honor. President Lyndon B. Johnson called Reeb’s widow and father to express condolences, and on March 15 invoked Reeb’s memory when he delivered a draft of the Voting Rights Act to Congress. Reeb’s story is included in the Academy Award nominated film for best picture, “Selma.” Today, Casper College offer a memorial scholarship in his name which is need of funding. Read his granddaugher’s article on his legacy. Scholarship: James J Reeb Memorial Scholarship
Ruth Combs

Myrtle Wooster was born in southeast Ohio in 1898. In 1913 she received a certificate of completion which allowed her to receive further education at any Ohio state high school or trade school. In 1917, at the age of 19, she graduated from the Good Samaritan Hospital Training School for Nurses in Zanesville, Ohio. She received her registered nurse license from the state of Ohio in 1919. She married Ray Wooster in 1920 and moved to Texas where Ray worked in the oil field. Although she did not practice for an extended length of time in the nursing field, she was an avid reader and an advocate for women and for higher education. Upon her death in 1965, a nursing scholarship was established at Casper College in the name of Myrtle and Ray Wooster. In 2016 this scholarship became part of the Casper College Foundation and was endowed by their daughter, Ruth Combs. Scholarship: Myrtle and Ray Wooster Nursing Scholarship
Zula and Deryl Safford

Zula Greenlee Safford was born in 1932 in Vaiden, Mississippi. Deryl was born in 1930 in Franklin County, Texas. He married Zula Greenlee on August 3, 1957 in Casper. Deryl was a retired public accountant and owner of Solo Oil Company. He was a leader in many service organizations including the Casper Shrine Club, Korein Temple, and Masonic Lodge. Zula received a degree in education from Delta State University. She taught for 33 years begining her career in Mississippi and Texas. She spent 30 years teaching in Casper, at Grant and Manor Heights and Garfield Elementary Schools. Twenty-seven of those years were at Garfield. Friends speak of her pride when one of her former students would come up and thank her for the difference she had made in their lives. She held high expectations for former students and often followed them throughout their college years. She was a church elder at the First Presbyterian Church and sang in the choir. Recognizing financial help would always be appreciated, they later established a permanently endowed scholarship with the Casper College Foundation. She passed away on January 7, 2010, following Deryl, who died January 28, 1998. Scholarship: Zula and Deryl Safford Scholarship
We are constantly working on adding new donor stories to this list- If you have information about a donor and would like to share please email us at