Helping students succeed
Foundation and Alumni-sponsored scholarships are funded through the generosity of private donors and endowments. Criteria varies, and range from part-time enrollment to full-time enrollment, with minimum GPA requirements of 2.0 GPA.
List of Scholarships
- 12-24 Club Recovery Scholarship
- Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance Scholarship
- Adam Longo Memorial Scholarship
- Agriculture Department Scholarship Fund
- Alfred Persson Scholarship Fund
- Alta G. Sanders Elementary Education Scholarship
- American Association of University Women Scholarship – Casper Branch
- American Legion Post 2 Stan Lowe Scholarship
- Ann Galles Scholarship and Support Fund
- Anna and Louie Strohecker Memorial Scholarship
- Anna M. Robb, Retiree 1972, Herbert E. Robb, Sr. and Donald F. Robb, Class of 1958 Scholarship
- Anna Taylor Memorial Scholarship
- Anne Steele Voyles Scholarship Endowment
- Artie and Swede Erickson Nursing Scholarship
- E. Galbreath Memorial Scholarship
- Babcock Memorial Alumni Academic Scholarship
- Banner Wyoming Medical Center Volunteer Scholarships
- Barbara Crews KEY/Ed Scholarship
- Barbara Scifers Dance Scholarship
- Barbara Scifers Physical Education Scholarship
- Barbara Scifers Rodeo Scholarship
- Barbara Wheeler Single Parent Scholarship
- Bernard Ambrosine Memorial Hospitality Scholarship
- BigIron Scott Keith Memorial Scholarship
- Bill and Peggy Simson Curry Scholarship
- Bill Daniels Scholarship
- Bill North Adult Literacy Scholarship
- Billy D. Lewis Scholarship
- Blue Envelope Tate Health Science Scholarship
- Bob Freeman Diesel Power Mechanics Scholarship
- Bob I. and Edith Selby Scholarship
- Bob Milek Memorial Scholarship
- Bo Jangles the Cat Scholarship
- Boys and Girls Club Scholarship
- Brett Peterson Memorial Scholarship
- Bunning Family Scholarship
- Business and Professional Women’s Foundation Scholarship
- Campbell McWhinnie Memorial Scholarship
- Carl and Georgina Grosz Endowment
- Carlton and Winnie Belz Scholarship
- Captain Matt Trott Scholarship
- Casey Uhlich Fire Science Scholarship
- Casper Chase Fallen Soldiers Scholarship
- Casper Civic Chorale Vocal Music Scholarship
- Casper College Alumni Presidents' Scholarship
- Casper Mountain Lions Club Scholarship
- Casper Rebekah Lodge Scholarship
- Casper Rotaract Young Professionals Network Scholarship
- Casper Service League Scholarship
- Caterpillar Dealer Excellence Matching Grant Fund
- Catharine Barhaugh Memorial Scholarship
- Cathy Jean Vlastos Radiography Scholarship
- Central Wyoming Kennel Club Scholarship
- Charlene Davis Outstanding Student Educator Award
- Charles C. and C. Dwayne Raymond Agriculture Scholarship
- Charles E. Piersall Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America Scholarship
- Charles H. “Scotty” Robertson Memorial Scholarship
- Charles G. and Ruth L. Irwin Scholarship
- Charles M. and Cara Lou Chapman Music Scholarship
- Charlma Kurtz Brown Paralegal Scholarship
- Cheryl Dunblazier Wempen Memorial Scholarship
- Chief Mac Fire Science Scholarship
- Chris LeDoux Rodeo Scholarship
- CHS Foundation Scholarship
- Clayton and Mary Lou Lowers Health Science Scholarship
- Constance A. Meyer Music Scholarship
- Corporal Jason Corbett Memorial Scholarship
- Curtis Moore Weston Scholarship
- Dale and Marguerite Hamlet Scholarship
- Dale Stiles Memorial Rodeo Scholarship
- Daniels Fund Boundless Opportunities Scholarship
- David Brecht Music Scholarship
- David Dutton Student Emergency Fund
- Decker Auto Glass Scholarship for Handicapped Students
- Decker Auto Glass Woman’s Athletic Scholarship
- Dee Bicek Health Science Scholarship
- Delbert and Helen Day Memorial Scholarship
- Denver/Francis Miller Memorial Scholarship
- Des Bennion Family Scholarship
- Dewey Stadler Scholarship
- Dick Frech Scholarship
- Dick J. Prosser Scholarship
- Dickensheets Family Alumni Scholarship
- Don and Donna Klinker Alumni Scholarship
- Don Hudson Wyoming Water Quality and Pollution Control Assn. Scholarship
- Dr. Samuel J. Vigneri Healthcare Scholarship
- Dunning Memorial Scholarship for Education, Health Care, and Mental Health
- Ed and Lucille Olin Memorial Scholarship
- Educational Support Fund
- Edward and Audrey Shindelhauer Nursing Scholarship
- Eileen Jeanette Pentecost Alumni Scholarship
- Eleanor Broadhurst Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Ellie Ellbogen Nursing Scholarship
- Ellyn E. Cavanagh Nursing Scholarship
- Elvin and Jacque Booth Scholarship
- Energy Laboratories, Inc. Scholarship
- Eric Dobby Memorial Scholarship
- Erin Reed Nursing Scholarship
- Howard Brady Memorial Scholarship
- Fairservis Family Scholarship
- Federal Women’s Program Scholarship – Casper Chapter
- Flo and Bob Dobbins Music Scholarship
- Fly Casper Alliance Scholarship for Aviation Students
- Fonnesbeck Family Scholarship
- Fort Caspar Chapter DAR and Edna Raymond Nursing Scholarship
- Francis and Elizabeth Kawi Scholarship
- Fred and Joan Carr Nursing Scholarship
- Freiberg Family Scholarship
- Fremont Motors Automotive Technology Scholarship
- Gary Donnelly Business Scholarship
- Gawthrop Education Scholarship
- Gene Haas Scholarship
- Gene M. Christensen Music Scholarship
- General Scholarship
- George W. and Karen Steinman Scholarship
- Gerald F. Radden Scholarship
- Geraldine "Jeri" Coryell Alloway Teacher's Scholarship
- Gertrude Brady Early Childhood Education Memorial Scholarship
- Gertrude Brady Women’s Athletic Scholarship
- Goedicke’s Custom Framing and Art Supply Scholarship
- Greg Lance Environmental Science Scholarship
- Gregory T. and Catherine H. Lance Family Scholarship
- Gus, Georgia, and Petey Kamboris Memorial Business Scholarship
- Hardy and Ione Ratcliff Scholarship
- Harold Boedeker Alumni Scholarship
- Harry T. Thorson Family Scholarship
- Hazel and Howard Wyckoff Scholarship
- Henrietta M. Neighbor Pousada Scholarship
- Henry Family Agriculture Scholarship
- Hester Currence Dowler Health Sciences Scholarship
- Houston and Martha Williams Visual Arts Scholarship
- Hume and Austin Everett Scholarship
- International Education Scholarship
- Irene and Donald Eshelman Scholarship
- Jacob Kennedy and Emily Milliken Scholarship
- Jacqueline E. Logan Memorial Scholarship
- James and Anita Crump Alumni Scholarship
- James and Ellen Thorpen Instrumental Music Scholarship
- James and Nancy Doyle Scholarship
- James J. Reeb Memorial Scholarship
- James P. Krumm Memorial Scholarship
- Jan and Don Anderson Scholarship
- Janet L. Waterman Theatre Scholarship
- Jean D. True Memorial Scholarship
- Jean Wheatley Scholarship
- Jeffrey L. Turner Construction Scholarship
- Jerred Stoll Memorial Music Scholarship
- Jerry Behrens Foundation Scholarship
- Jessi Wagner RN Memorial Scholarship
- Jim and Audrey Bailey Foundation Scholarship
- Jo Stone Scholarship
- Joa L. Sasser Scholarship
- John J. “Jack” Hamman Music Scholarship
- John P. Ellbogen Foundation Education Scholarship
- Jon Brady Award for Political Study
- Josephine Hankins Memorial Scholarship
- Judith B. Aurelius Scholarship
- Judith S. Turner Nursing Scholarship
- Katheryn Tripeny Scholarship Endowment
- Kelly and Gena Burch Livestock Judging and Agriculture Scholarship
- Ken Ury Memorial Theatre Scholarship
- Kenner Harris Scholarship
- Kerry B. Smith Scholarship
- Kraen Family Scholarship
- Laura Law Memorial Scholarship
- Lawrence and Bonnie Harrod Scholarship
- Lawrence J. Porter Memorial Scholarship
- Lee and Felicia Castellow Diesel Mechanics Scholarship
- Lee and Felicia Castellow Auto Mechanics Scholarship
- Lee and Felicia Castellow Welding Scholarship
- Lee and Felicia Castellow Trades Scholarship
- Lee and Felicia Castellow Adult Learning Center Graduate Scholarship
- Leland and Barbara Scifers Music Scholarship
- Leland Scifers Business Scholarship
- Leo Sanchez Scholarship
- Leroy Strausner Education Scholarship
- Lily A. Neiberger Patton Scholarship
- Loftin Family Scholarship
- Lou and Pearl Musser Memorial Scholarship
- Loyd Haden Tanner Memorial Scholarship
- Lt. Danny Dundas Memorial First Responder Scholarship
- Lt. David Gardner Nursing Scholarship
- Lucille C. Cassingham Memorial Scholarship
- Lucille Henning Memorial Scholarship
- Lyle J. Neiberger Scholarship
- Lynn R. M. Lockhart Scholarship
- J. Gregory Memorial Scholarship
- Manville/Barnard Memorial Scholarship for Music
- Marcia and Richard Engum Memorial Scholarship
- Margaret “Dolly” Roden Nursing Scholarship
- Margaret Brown Hazelton Scholarship
- Margaret Giinther Memorial Scholarship
- Margaret Mosteller Bullack Scholarship
- Marge Stuckenhoff Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Marie Thayer Stewart Memorial Scholarship
- Mark Collins Nursing Scholarship
- Mark and Pam Steinle Scholarship in Construction, Drafting, Welding, and Engineering
- Mark’s Choir Scholarship
- Marla and Peter Wold Science and Health Science Scholarship
- Marshall W. Nicol Memorial Scholarship
- Martin and Zoe Rathvon Scholarship
- Mary Jo Patterson Education Scholarship
- Mary Wing Nursing Scholarship
- Maryles Jean Patterson Gronberg Scholarship
- Matt Cundy Family & Friends Scholarship
- Matthew Shepard Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship
- Michael H. Sarvey Accounting Scholarship
- Michael J. Bernd Memorial Scholarship
- Michael and Joan Burger Engineering Scholarship
- Michael and Joan Burger Trades Scholarship
- Michael Steven Luther Rodeo Scholarship
- Michael Wilder Paramedics Scholarship
- Michel Susan Vance Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Millie Milliken Scholarship
- Minerva B. Landers Scholarship
- Myron W. Martin Memorial Scholarship
- Myrtle and Ray Wooster Nursing Scholarship
- Nagel Family Fund
- Natalie Brown Miller Memorial Imaging Scholarship
- Natrona County High School Class of ’60 Scholarship
- NCHS Class of 1950 Endowed Scholarship
- Nick John Noell Accounting Scholarship
- Nikky McFee Memorial Scholarship for Welding Program
- Noland and Winter Memorial Scholarship
- Norma June Brown Art Scholarship
- Norman C. Hanks Memorial Scholarship
- Norman D. Ball Memorial Scholarship
- North Platte Walleyes Unlimited Scholarship
- Nunn Family Fund
- Oscar and Ruth Boyles Family Scholarship
- Pat Bradley Memorial Art Supply Scholarship
- Patrick S. Bishop Memorial Business Scholarship
- Patti Sorenson Memorial Scholarship
- Paul Graff Geology Scholarship
- Paul Hallock Student Leadership Award
- Paul Johnson Medical Laboratory Technician Scholarship
- PEO Chapter AC Scholarship
- Phillip D. Gordy World Languages Scholarship
- Phyllis E. Schulz Memorial Fund
- R.K. Fujita Scholarship for Single Parents
- Stanley and Anne Lowe Family Scholarship
- Reg Christman Fire Science Support
- Retired Firefighters of Wyoming Scholarship
- Richard M. Baker Scholarship
- Ridge Hooks Memorial Scholarship
- Right Track Scholarship
- Robert Fowler Scholarship
- Robert and Mary Gawthrop Engineering Scholarship
- Robert Lee Sensintaffar Scholarship
- Robert D. Stratton Engineering Scholarship
- Rocky Mountain Warrior Foundation Scholarship
- Rolland W. McCanne Memorial Scholarship
- Ron Lund Imaging Scholarship
- Ron Mathisen Memorial Scholarship
- Rosenberger Music Scholarship
- Rosenberger Music Scholarship
- Rotary Clubs of Casper Stan Lowe Scholarship
- Roy Franklin and Lucille ‘Liz’ Read Automotive Scholarship
- Russell Schwejda and Donald Doody Music Scholarship
- Ruth R. Ellbogen Scholarship
- Sandra Lumley Garrelts, RN, BSN Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Scott Alan Miller Memorial Scholarship
- Scott Shafer Memorial Aviation Scholarship
- Shirley Dymond Scholarship
- Shirley Lee McCamly Weaver Scholarship
- Sneesby Family Scholarship
- Society of Professional Journalists Scholarship
- Sophomore High School Equivalency Diploma Honor Scholarship
- Soroptimist of Central Wyoming H.O.N.O.R. Financial Aid Award
- Silva Family Scholarship
- Spaugh Hilsmann Scholarship for Historic Preservation
- Steve and Libby Kurtz Music Scholarship
- Stephen F. Sasser Memorial Scholarship
- Swede and Artie Erickson Memorial Fund
- Tate Foundation Memorial for Dorothy Nichols Scholarship
- Ted and Marie White Memorial Foundation Trust Scholarship
- Ted M. and Sharon D. Nichols Scholarship
- Teddy Weekly Memorial Scholarship
- Teri Lafferty Athletics Scholarship
- Thaddeus Walker Scholarship
- Theresa Ulen Memorial Scholarship
- Tilghman H. Aley Scholarship
- Tim Lee Romanek Memorial Scholarship
- Tom Parker Rodeo Practice Arena
- Tom Parker Rodeo Scholarship
- Tom and Susie (Shreve) Galles Scholarship
- Travis Darling Memorial Scholarship
- True companies Scholarship
- Van Burgh Family Scholarship
- Vince Hayes/Outlaw Trail Rides Memorial Scholarship
- Virginia H. Bila Nursing Scholarship
- Wanda Weaver Walters Memorial Scholarship
- Wayland H. Cato, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- William Conte Service Award
- William W. Cook Charitable Trust Scholarship
- Wilma Hoffman Scholarship
- Wold Foundation Eagle Scout Scholarship
- Wyoming Behavioral Institute Mental Health Professional Scholarship
- Wyoming Blues and Jazz Scholarship
- Wyoming Fallen Heroes Memorial Scholarship
- Wyoming Geological Association Scholarship
- Wyoming National Guard Educational Scholarship
- Wyoming Pork Producers Scholarship
- Wyoming Retired Education Personnel Scholarship
- Zak Werner Memorial Scholarship
- Zimmerman Environmental Studies Scholarship
- Zimmerman Family Foundation Aviation Scholarship
- Zimmerman Scholarship
- Zula and Deryl Safford Scholarship
Your gift to Casper College opens the door of opportunity for our students. Whether you make a gift in support of scholarships, our faculty, an academic program, or the greatest needs of the University, your generosity has a profound and lasting impact.
Students need assistance now more than ever to attain their college goals. No gift is too small and every dollar makes a difference.